guerrilla exegesis  


Research Links





‡ Peopling of Countries

 ‡ An Irresistible Destiny 
‡ Sarah Sarai Hagar Hajar 

‡ Elysian Fields
‡ Golden Dawn

‡ To the Believer

Art & Architecture

= notable

Writings, 1960-2014
Abramovic, MarinaArt 2018

Ando, TadaoArt 2014

Araki Art 2007

Atelier National de Recherche Typographique [ANRT]

Ault, Julie
Art 2016

Barthes, Roland
Art 1980

Empire of SignsBarthes, RolandArt1970EnglishIstanbul
The Cremaster CycleBarney, MatthewArt1998EnglishUK
100 Sculptors of Tomorrow
Beers, KurtArt2019EnglishIstanbul

Ways of SeeingBerger, John

Why Art Museums?
The Unfinished Work of Alexander Dorner

Blythe, Sarah Ganz / 
Martinez, Andrew

Scorched Earth
Bradford, Mark

Art =/= Propaganda
Brehmer, KP
Exhibition Catalogue2019EnglishIstanbul

The Faces of JesusBuechner, FrederickReligious ArtEnglishTexas
Arthur Jafa
Cahiers D'artArt2020EnglishIstanbul

Art and Photography (Phaidon) 
Campany, DavidPhotography2012EnglishIstanbul

On Photographs
Campany, DavidPhotography 2020EnglishIstanbul

Jerusalem! The Real Life of William BlakeChurton, TobiasArt, Biography2015EnglishUSA
FernwehCole, TejuPhotography 2020EnglishIstanbul
Known and Strange ThingsCole, TejuArt2016EnglishIstanbul
What is Black Art?
Correia, Alice
Art, Black History 2022EnglishIstanbul

Coming Home!
Self-Taught Artists, the Bible, and the American South
Crown, Carol Folk Art, Exhibition Catalog2004EnglishUK

Le Corbusier: Ideas and FormsCurtis, WilliamsArchitecture1986EnglishUK
Art on the Frontline:
Mandate For A People’s Culture

Davis, Angela
Art, Black History 1985EnglishIstanbul

Noah DavisDavis, NoahExhibtion Catalogue2025EnglishUK
Religious Folk Art in America:
Reflections of Faith

Dewhurst, C. Kurt + MacDowell, Betty + MacDowell, MarshaFolk Art, Religious Art1983EnglishIstanbul

Mark Dion (Phaidon) 
Dion, Mark

Data Portraits: Visualizing Black America
Du Bois, WEB
Art, Black History 2018EnglishIstanbul

The Outlands
Eggleston, William
Photography 2022EnglishIstanbul

Prison Notebook
El-Salahi, Ibrahim

The ClearingEllis, Jjjjerome
Art, Music 2021EnglishIstanbul

TrilogyElmgreen & Dragset

African Sculpture
Fagg, William + Margaret Plass

Le Gai GhettoFinaly, Patricia

Art Since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism
Foster, Hal

The Image of the Black in Western Art: From the Early Christian Era to the Age of Discovery: Africans in the Christian Ordinance of the World
Gates, Henry Louis
Art2010English Istanbul

Black Image Corporation (Fondazione Prada)Gates, TheasterExhibition Catalogue2018EnglishUK
Caravaggio: A Life Sacred and ProfaneGraham-Dixon, Andrew 

Other Planes of There
Green, ReneeArt2014EnglishUK

Jewish ArtGrossman, Grace CohenReligious Art History1995EnglishUK
Ghost ImageGuibert, HervéPhotography1981/2014Istanbul
Different: A Historical Context - 
Contemporary Photographers and Black Identity

Hall, Stuart / Sealy, MarkPhotography, Black History 2001EnglishIstanbul

MosaicsHetherington, P.B. Art1967EnglishUSA
Deep Blues: Bill Traylor 1854-1949 Helfenstein, Josef + 
Kurzmeyer, Roman 
Exhibition Catalogue1999EnglishUK

Is Today Tomorrow Henrot, CamilleArt2021EnglishIstanbul
Neo-Classicism: Style and CivilizationHonour, HughArt1978EnglishUK
Breakfast at Sotheby’sHook, PhilipArt2013EnglishIstanbul
The Universe History of Art and Architecture: 
Early Christian and Byzantine

Hutter, Irmgard
Art History1977EnglishUK

Habibi, Les Révolutions de l'Amour
Institut Du Monde ArabeExhibition Catalogue 2022/23FrenchIstanbul

Heaven + HellIntuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art + Loyola University Museum of Art Exhibition Catalogue 2012EnglishUK
Red Flower, The Women of OkinawaIshikawa, MaoArt2017EnglishIstanbul
MagnumbJafa, ArthurArt2012EnglishIstanbul
Days of Blood, Days of FireJalai, BahmanArt2020Persian, EnglishIstanbul
Without Your Interpretation Jenkins, UlyssesArt2022EnglishIstanbul
Fortress of SolitudeKelley, MikeArt2011EnglishIstanbul
Sixteenth-Century German Panel Paintings Kiadó, Corvina, Vègh, JànosArt History1981EnglishUSA
Turkish Architecture and Urbanism Through the Eyes of Le CorbusierKortan, EnisArt2005EnglishIstanbul
Highway KindKurland, JustineArt2021EnglishIstanbul
Land ArtLailach, MichaelArt2007EnglishIstanbul
Richard NeutraLamprecht, BarbaraArt2016EnglishIstanbul
An Aperture MonographLawson, DeanaArt, Photography2018EnglishIstanbul
Deana LawsonLawson, DeanaArt, Photography2021EnglishIstanbul
Black Folk Art in America, 1930-1980Livingston, JaneFolk Art1982EnglishUK
The ProposalMagid, JillArt2016EnglishIstanbul
Desert of Pharan: Unofficial Histories 
Behind the Mass Expansion of Mecca
Mater, AhmedArt2016EnglishIstanbul

The Faggots & Their Friends Between RevolutionsMitchell, LarryArt1977EnglishIstanbul
The New Japanese Painting and SculptureMoMAExhibition Catalogue1966EnglishIstanbul
Early Christian Art: An Outline of the Evolution of Style and Iconography in Sculpture and Painting from Antiquity to the Eighth CenturyMorey, Charles RufusReligious Art1953EnglishUSA
European Painting and SculptureNewton, EricArt History1968EnglishUK
Daido MoriyamaNishi, KazuoArt2012EnglishIstanbul
Edouard Glissant; ArchipelagoObrist, Hans UlrichArt2021EnglishIstanbul
More Than You Wanted to Know About John Baldessari Obrist, Hans UlrichArt2013EnglishIstanbul
The Conversation Series – Volume 23: Marina AbramovicObrist, Hans UlrichArt2010EnglishIstanbul
Tips and TricksÖgüt, AhmetArt2015EnglishIstanbul
Consuming Stories: Kara Walker and the Imagining of American Race Peabody, RebeccaArt2016EnglishIstanbul
Carlo Scarpa e il GiapponePierconti, JK MauroArt2007ItalianIstanbul
A ReaderPiper, AdrianArt20182018Istanbul
Vitamin 3-D: New Perspectives in Sculpture and InstallationPhaidonArt2010EnglishIstanbul
Jutaku: Japanese HousesPollock, NaomiArchitecture2015EnglishIstanbul
Mexican ChurchesPorter, Eliot + Auerbach, EllenArchitecture, Religious Architecture1987EnglishUSA
Black Art: A Cultural History (Second Edition)Powell, Richard, J Art2003EnglishIstanbul
Testo Junkie Preciado, PaulArt2008EnglishIstanbul
Don’t Piss Down My Leg and Tell Me It’s RainingPresha, CoreyArt2018EnglishIstanbul
Animals and PeopleR, TalExhibition Catalogue2020DanishIstanbul
Treasures of JudaicaRabinowicz, HarryReligious Art History, Judaism1971EnglishUK
The Loudest Muttering Is OverRaad, WalidArt2009EnglishIstanbul
Great Bible Stories and Master Paintings: 
A Complete Narration of the Old and New Testaments
Rachleff, Owen S. Religious Art History 1968EnglishUSA

William BlakeRaine, KathleenArt2021EnglishIstanbul
Migration: The Journey of ObjectsRöhsska Museum of 
Design and Craft
Exhibition Catalogue2021Istanbul

Beyond the CollaborationRuby, SterlingArt2018EnglishIstanbul
LA/BJRuby, SterlingArt2014EnglishIstanbul
Sterling Ruby (Phaidon)Ruby, SterlingArt2016EnglishIstanbul
How to Be An Artist
Saltz, JerryArt2020EnglishIstanbul

All the Paintings of Giotto Part I Salvini, RobertoArt History1963EnglishUSA
All the Paintings of Giotto Part IISalvini, RobertoArt History1963EnglishUSA
Cornelia Parker Schlieker, AndreaExhibition Catalogue2022EnglishIstanbul
Modern InstancesShore, StephenPhotography, Memoir 2022EnglishIstanbul
Uncommon PlacesShore, StephenPhotography1982EnglishIstanbul
Contest of the FruitsSlavs and TatarsArt2021EnglishIstanbul
Friendship of Nations: Polish Shi’ite ShowbizSlavs and TatarsArt2011EnglishIstanbul
Mirrors for PrincesSlavs and TatarsArt2015EnglishUK
Molla Nasreddin: The Magazine that Could’ve, Would’ve, Should’veSlavs and TatarsArt2011EnglishIstanbul
Slavs and Tatars: Mouth to MouthSlavs and TatarsArt2018EnglishIstanbul
Technology and CosmogenesisSoleri, PaoloArt1985EnglishIstanbul
On PhotographySontag, SusanArt1977/2010EnglishIstanbul
Art of the 20th Century: Vol 1 & II TaschenArt1988EnglishUK
Divine Dialogue: Cy Twombly in Greek AntiquityTwombly, CyArt2017EnglishIstanbul
Learning From Las VegasVenturi, RobertPhotography, Architecture1972EnglishUK
Jeff Wall / Museo Tamayo Arte ContemporaneaWall, JeffExhibition Catalogue 2008EnglishIstanbul
A Black Hole Is Everything A Star Longs to BeWalker, KaraArt2020EnglishIstanbul

Fons AmericanusWalker, KaraExhibition Catalogue2019EnglishIstanbul
Kara Walker: For the Benefit of All the Races of Mankind, 
An Exhibition of Artifacts, Remnants, and Effluvia Excavated 
from the Black Heart of a Negress 
Walker, KaraArt2002EnglishIstanbul

My Complement, My Enemy, My Oppressor, My LoveWalker, KaraExhibition Catalogue2007EnglishIstanbul
NormaWalker, KaraExhibition Catalogue 2015EnglishIstanbul
Ruffneck ConstructivistsWalker, KaraExhibition Catalogue2014EnglishIstanbul
Kitchen Table SeriesWeems, Carrie MaePhotography 2016EnglishUK
Reflections for NowWeems, Carrie MaeArt2023EnglishIstanbul
Bumped BodyWeisz, Paloma VargaExhibition Catalogue2019EnglishIstanbul
Ceremony (Burial of an Undead World)Wynter, Sylvia Exhibtion Catalogue2022EnglishIstanbul
Fly In League With the Night Yiadom-Boakye, LynetteExhibtion Catalogue2022EnglishIstanbul
Kan YasudaYasuda, KanArt1991EnglishUK
A Chronology of ArtZaczek, IainArt2018EnglishIstanbul


= notable
Icon StationsAdhami, Daniel Religion, Photography 2024UK
Baden, JoelReligion, Judaism, Christianity 2012EnglishIstanbul
PrayerBalthasar, Hans Urs vonReligion1986EnglishUSA
The Hebrew BibleBarton, JohnReligion2016EnglishIstanbul
The WordBarton, JohnReligion2023EnglishIstanbul
Religion in AmericaBeal, TimothyReligion2008EnglishIstanbul
Christianity in Tropical Africa Baeta, C.G.Religion1968EnglishUK

Biblical Sites in TurkeyBlake, Everett + Edmonds, AnnaReligious Archeology1994EnglishIstanbul
God and ManBloom, AnthonyChristianity1971EnglishUSA
The Book of JBloom, HaroldReligion1990 EnglishUK
History of the Bible in English (Third Edition)Bruce, F.F. Christianity 1978EnglishUSA
A History of ChristianityChadwick, OwenReligious History 1995EnglishUK
Atlas of the Christian Church Chadwick + EvansChristianity1987EnglishIstanbul
ChristianityChidester, DavidChristianity2000EnglishUK
Introduction to JudaismCohon, Beryl D.Judaism1964EnglishUSA
Creation: Artists, Gods & OriginsConrad, PeterReligion2007EnglishIstanbul
The Birth of ChristianityCrossan, John Dominic Christianity 1998EnglishUK
The Book: A History of the Biblede Hamel, ChristopherJudaism, Christianity 2001EnglishIstanbul
Jews in the SouthDinnerstein, Leonard + 
Palsson, Mary Dale
Judaism, US History 1973EnglishUSA

JudaismEpstein, IsidoreJudaism 1939EnglishUK
The Essence of ReligionFeuerbach, LudwigReligion1845EnglishIstanbul
Die Luther-Bibel von 1534: A Cultural-Historical IntroductionFüssel, StephanChristianity, Biblical History2024German, EnglishUK
In Ishmael’s House: A History of Jews in Muslim LandsGilbert, MartinJudaism, Islam2010EnglishIstanbul
Passover HaggadahGoldbert, Rabbi NathanJudaism English, HebrewUSA
A History of JudaismGoodman, MartinJudaism2017EnglishIstanbul
The Early ChristiansGough, Michael Christianity1961EnglishUK
Bridge Between the Testaments: 
A Reappraisal of Judaism from the Exile to the Birth of Christianity
Gowan, Donald, EJudaism, Christianity1976EnglishUK

Hebrew Myths; The Book of Genesis Graves, Robert + Patai, RaphaelJudaism, Christianity1963EnglishUK
The Modern Tongues Movement Gromacki, Robert G. Christianity1967EnglishUK
A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, and SalvationGutiérrez, Gustavo Christianity, Liberation Theology, Colonialism1973EnglishUSA
In the BeginningHamilton, VirginiaReligion1988EnglishIstanbul
The Existence of GodHicks, John Religion1964EnglishIstanbul
History of the Church, Vol III: The Church in the Modern World Jedin, HubertChristianity, Catholic History1981EnglishUSA
History of the Church, Vol VI:
The Church in the Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment
Jedin, HubertChristianity, Catholic History1981EnglishUSA

Infant Baptism in the First Four Centuries Jeremias, JoachimChristianity, Church History 1960EnglishUK
Jewish Ceremonial and Religious ObservanceKanof, AbramJudaism1980EnglishUSA
Commentary on the Old Testament: Job (4)Keil-DelitzschReligion1866EnglishIstanbul
A History of the Church to AD 461 (vol I) Kidd, BJChristianity1922EnglishIstanbul
A History of the Church to AD 461 (vol II, 313-408)Kidd, BJChristianity1922EnglishIstanbul
A History of the Church to AD 461 (vol III, 408-461)Kidd, BJChristianity1922EnglishIstanbul
Catholic Korea: Yesterday and Today Kim, Joseph + Jae-sun, John
Christianity, Catholicism 1964EnglishUSA

The Song of Our Syrian GuestKnight, William Allen Christianity1903EnglishUSA
Larkin, Clarence
Religion, Christianity, Religious Art 

The Book of Revelation Larkin, ClarenceReligion, Christianity1919EnglishUK
The Spirit WorldLarkin, ClarenceReligion, Christianity1921EnglishUK
The Gospels & Acts: Questions and Problems Lesser, ElliotChristianity2000EnglishUSA
Anatomy of the Sacred: An Introduction to ReligionLivingston, James C. Religion1989EnglishUSA
Mann, Vivian BReligion, Judaism, Christianity, Art History2010EnglishIstanbul
Christian Theology McGrath, AlisterChristianity1991EnglishIstanbul
The Church: From Pentecost to the Present Meyer, Carl SChristianity1973EnglishUSA
The Faith: A History of Christianity Moynahan, BrianChristianity 2002EnglishUSA
The Oxford Companion to Christian Art & ArchitectureMurray, Linda / PeterChristianity, Religious Art 1996EnglishIstanbul
God: A BiographyMiles, JackReligion1995EnglishIstanbul
The World’s WisdomNovak, Philip Religion1994EnglishUSA
Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of ThomasPagels, ElaineChristianity2003EnglishIstanbul
The Gnostic GospelsPagels, ElaineChristianity1979EnglishUSA
Gleanings in ExodusPink, ArthurChristianity1970EnglishUSA
Pink, ArthurChristianity EnglishUSA
A History of the Crusades IRunciman, StevenChristianity1951EnglishIstanbul
The Christian Imagination: Essays on Literature and the Arts Ryken, LelandChristianity1981EnglishUSA
The TorahSaglam, BahaeddinReligion1999EnglishIstanbul
What Do Muslims Believe? Sardar, ZiauddinIslam2007EnglishIstanbul
An Introduction to Biblical HebrewSawyer, John F.A. Religion, Language1976EnglishIstanbul
Late Antiquity and Early Christian Mediaeval ArtSchapiro, MeyerChristianity, Religious Art, Mediaeval History 1979EnglishUSA
The Making of the BibleSchmid, SchröterReligion2021EnglishIstanbul
Catholic and Christian: 
An Explanation of Commonly Misunderstood Catholic Beliefs
Shreck, AlanChristianity1984EnglishUSA

The Essential TalmudSteinsaltz, Adin Judaism1976EnglishUSA
The Making of the Old TestamentThe Cambridge Bible CommentaryJudaism, Christianity1972EnglishIstanbul
Hagar, Sarah and Their Children:
Jewish, Muslim and Christian Perspectives
Trible, Phyllis + Russell, Letty MFeminist Theology 2006EnglishUK

Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the BibleVanhoozerReligion2005EnglishIstanbul
An Introduction to Islam (Second Edition) Waines, DavidIslam1995EnglishIstanbul
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in ChristendomWhite, Andrew D Religion1896EnglishIstanbul
Sisters in the WildernessWilliams, Delores SFeminist Theology, Black Theology 1993EnglishUSA
Christian Art: A Very Short Introduction Williamson, BethChristianity, Religious Art 2004EnglishUK

Making Saints: How The Catholic Church Determines Who Becomes A Saint, Who Doesn't, and WhyWoodward, Kenneth Catholocism 1900EnglishUSA
The Evolution of GodWright, RobertReligion2009EnglishIstanbul
The Bible Illuminated: How Art Brought the Bible to an Illiterate WorldYork, KarenReligious Art 2017EnglishUK
Bereishis Genesis, Part I ArtScroll Tanach Series,
Translation with Commentary

Zlotowitz, Meir 

Bereishis Genesis, Part II ArtScroll Tanach Series,
Translation with Commentary
Zlotowitz, Meir JudaismHebrew, 

Bereishis Genesis, Part III ArtScroll Tanach Series,
Translation with Commentary

Zlotowitz, Meir JudaismHebrew, 

Bereishis Genesis, Part IV ArtScroll Tanach Series,
Translation with Commentary
Zlotowitz, Meir JudaismHebrew, 

Bereishis Genesis, Part V ArtScroll Tanach Series,
Translation with Commentary
Zlotowitz, Meir JudaismHebrew, 

Bibles & Qurans

= notable
Armenian BibleChristian BibleArmenianIstanbul
El KoranQuranSpanishIstanbul
Ethiopic BibleChristian BibleEthiopicIstanbul
Family Heritage EditionChristian BibleEnglishIstanbul
Korean BibleChristian BibleKoreanIstanbul
Russian BibleChristian Bible2000RussianUSA
The Holy Bible (With Views of Palestine in Photogravure) Christian Bible2016EnglishUK
The New Oxford Annotated BibleCoogan, Michael + Brettler, Marc Zevi; Newsom, Christian Bible 
2001 EnglishUK

The Jewish Study BibleBerlin, Adele + Brettler, Marc ZeviJewish BibleEnglishUK
Bibliotheca: The Five Books & The Former ProphetsGreene, Adam LewisChristian Bible2016EnglishIstanbul
Bibliotheca: The Latter ProphetsGreene, Adam LewisChristian Bible2016EnglishIstanbul
Bibliotheca: The WritingsGreene, Adam LewisChristian Bible2016EnglishIstanbul
Bibliotheca: The ApocryphaGreene, Adam LewisChristian Bible2016EnglishIstanbul
Bibliotheca: The New TestamentGreene, Adam LewisChristian Bible2016EnglishIstanbul
*Small illustrated cover
Die Luther-Bibel von 1534 Vol I / The Luther Bible of 1534 Facsimile EditionLuther, MartinChristian Bible1534 / 2024German, EnglishUK
Die Luther-Bibel von 1534 Vol II / The Luther Bible of 1534 Facsimile EditionLuther, MartinChristian Bible1534 / 2024German, EnglishUK


= notable

Truth About the Truth: 
De-confusing and Re-constructing the Postmodern World
Anderson, Walter TruettPhilosophy1995EnglishUSA

TotalitarianismArendt, HannahPhilosophy1951EnglishUSA
Nicomachean Ethics (Trans. Terrence Irwin)AristotleHellenistic Philosophy2000EnglishUSA
The Philosophy and Literature of ExistentialismBarnes, Wesley  Philosophy, Existentialism  1968EnglishUSA
What Is Existentialism?Barrett, William Philosophy, Existentialism  1964EnglishUSA
Bataille, GeorgePhilosophy 1957

Force of CircumstanceBeauvoir, Simone dePhilosophy, Autobigoraphy1963EnglishUSA
She Came to Stay Beauvoir, Simone dePhilosophy1943EnglishUSA
Beauvoir, Simone deExistentialism1947EnglishIstanbul
The Second SexBeauvoir, Simone dePhilosophy, Feminism1949EnglishUSA
When Things of the Spirit Come FirstBeauvoir, Simone dePhilosophy, Fiction1979EnglishUSA
Introduction to Modern Existentialism Breisach, ErnstPhilosophy 1962EnglishUSA
An Introduction to PhilosophyBrightman, Edgar SheffieldPhilosophy1925EnglishUSA
The FallCamusExistentialism1956EnglishUSA
The Myth of SisyphusCamusExistentialism1942EnglishUSA
The OutsiderCamusExistentialism1942EnglishUSA
The RebelCamusExistentialism1951EnglishUSA
The StrangerCamusExistentialism1942EnglishUSA
Analytical Philosophy of Knowledge
Danto, Arthur Philosophy1968EnglishUSA

SelfDainton, BarryPhilosophy 2014EnglishIstanbul
What Philosophy IsDanto, ArthurPhilosophy1968EnglishIstanbul
Discourse on MethodDescartesPhilosophy1637EnglishUSA
Discourse on Method and Meditations on First PhilosophyDescartesPhilosophy1641EnglishUSA
Language, Metaphysics and DeathDonnelly, John Philosophy1994EnglishUSA
La Société du SpectacleDubord, GuyPhilosophy1967FrenchIstanbul
Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and SocietyEaston, Loyd D. + Guddat, Kurt H.Political Philosophy1967EnglishUSA
Basic Modern Philosophy of ReligionFerré, Frederick Philosophy of Religion1967EnglishUSA
Body, Mind and DeathFlew, AntonyPhilosophy1964EnglsihUSA
The Structure of Language: Readings in the Philosophy of LanguageFodor, Jerry + Katz, Jerrold Philosophy1964EnglishUSA
Philosophy and ReligionGill, JerryPhilosophy1968EnglishUSA
The History of PhilosophyGrayling, ACPhilosophy2019EnglishIstanbul
Introducing Bertrand Russell Groves, Judy + Robinson, DavePhilosophy2002EnglishUK
Ethics from A Theocentric PerspectiveGustafon, James MPhilosophy, Religion1983EnglishUSA
Rewriting the SoulHacking, IanPhilosophy of Mind1995EnglishUSA
Simians, Cyborgs and WomenHaraway, DonnaPhilosophy, Feminism, Technology 1991EnglishIstanbul
Being and TimeHeidegger, MartinPhilosophy1927EnglishUSA
Classical and Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of ReligionHick, JohnPhilosophy of Religion1970EnglishUSA
Critique of Pure ReasonKant, ImmanuelPhilosophy 1781EnglishIstanbul
Existentialism From Dostoevsky to SartreKaufmann, WalterPhilosophy1988EnglishUSA
Reflections on Gender and ScienceKeller, Evelyn Fox Feminist Philosophy1985EnglishUSA
Fear and Trembling; The Sickness Unto DeathKierkegaard, SorenPhilosophy, Existentialism, Christianity 1843/9EnglishIstanbul
The Present AgeKierkegaard, SorenPhilosophy 1846/1962EnglishIstanbul
The Philosophy of MathematicsKörner, Stephan
Philosophy of Mathematics1960EnglishUSA

Introducing HegelKrauze, Andrzej + Spencer, LloydPhilosophy 1996EnglishUK
Symbolic LogicLewis, Clarence Irving + 
Langford, Cooper Harold 

Shapes of Philosophical History Manuel, FrankPhilosophy1965EnglishUSA
The Philosophy of ReligionMitchell, BasilPhilosophy of Religion1971EnglishUSA
The AntichristNietzsche, FriedrichPhilosophy1895EnglishUK
Thus Spoke Zarathustra  Nietzsche, FriedrichPhilosophy1883EnglishUSA
A History of Western PhilosophyRussell, BertrandPhilosophy 1946EnglishUSA
Essays in SkepticismRussell, BertrandPhilosophy1928EnglishUSA
Our Knowledge of the External WorldRussell, Bertrand Philosophy of Science1914EnglishUSA
Being and NothingnessSartrePhilosophy 1943EnglishIstanbul
Iron in the SoulSartrePhilosophy 1943EnglishIstanbul
NauseaSartrePhilosophy, Fiction1938EnglishUSA
Sartre - No ExitSartre Philosophy, Plays1944EnglishUSA
ObliquesSartrePhilosophy 1979FrenchIstanbul
The Age of ReasonSartrePhilosophy 1945EnglishIstanbul
Reasoning Scriven, MichaelLogic1976EnglishUSA
A Short History of ExistentialismWahl, JeanPhilosophy 1949EnglishIstanbul
An Introduction to Critical ThinkingWerkmeister, WH Philosophy1948EnglishUSA

Biography & Essays

= notable

Baldwin, JamesBiography 1985

Biko, SteveBiography1978EnglishIstanbul
Bad BloodCarreyou, JohnBiography 2018EnglishIstanbul
How to Write An Autobiographical NovelChee, AlexanderBiography, Essays2018EnglishIstanbul
Tomorrow, TomorrowCheikh, SaraBiography2023English, ArabicIstanbul
PanégyriqueDebord, GuyAutobiography1989FrenchIstanbul
 Farther AwayFranzen, JonathanEssays2012EnglishIstanbul
PlayboyDebre, ConstanceBiography, Queerness, French Literature2018EnglishNashville
Is It My Body?Gordon, KimBiography 2014EnglishIstanbul
Alphabetical DiariesHeti, SheliaCreative Non-Fiction, Journal2024EnglishUK
All About Lovehooks, bellEssays, Relationships

A Small PlaceKincaid, JamaicaBiography, Antigua, Colonialism1988English Istanbul
Funny WeatherLaing, OliviaBiography, Art, Culture2020EnglishIstanbul
The Fran Lebowitz ReaderLebowitz, FranEssays1994EnglishIstanbul
TripLin, TaoMemoir, Psychedelics2018EnglishIstanbul
The Cruel Way: Switzerland to Afghanistan in a Ford, 1939Maillart, Ella K. Biography, Travelouge2013EnglishUK
Kant’s Little Prussian Head & Other Reasons Why I WriteMessud, Claire Autobiography2020EnglishUSA
The Last HolidayScott-Heron, GilBiography2003EnglishIstanbul
CalypsoSedaris, DavidAutobiography, Essays2018EnglishIstanbul
Happy Go LuckySedaris, DavidAutobiography, Essays2022EnglishIstanbul
Theft By FindingSedaris, DavidAutobiography2017aEnglishIstanbul
AssataShakur, AssataAutobiography1987EnglishIstanbul
PimpSlim, IcebergAutobiography 1967EnglishIstanbul
Little XTate, Sonsyrea Memoir, Religion1997EnglishUSA
Trick MirrorTolentino, JiaCulture Writing, Feminism2019EnglishIstanbul
EducatedWestover, TaraMemoir2018EnglishIstanbul
Uncanny ValleyWiener, AnnaAutobiography2020EnglishIstanbul
James Baldwin’s Turkish DecadeZaborowska, Magdalena2018EnglishIstanbul


= notable
TitleAuthorGenre/TopicsDateLanguageLocation The Thing Around Your NeckAdichie, ChimamandaFiction, Nigerian-American Literature2009EnglishIstanbul 
Another CountryBaldwin, JamesFiction, Black American Literature 1962EnglishIstanbul 
Giovanni’s RoomBaldwin, JamesFiction, Black American Literature 1956EnglishIstanbul 
Go Tell It On the MountainBaldwin, JamesFiction, Black American Literature 1952EnglishUSA
Going to Meet the ManBaldwin, JamesFiction, Short Stories, Black American Literature 1965EnglishIstanbul 
The IdiotBatuman, ElifFiction, Turkish-American Literature2017EnglishIstanbul
An Invisible Sign of My OwnBender, AimeeFiction, Magical Realism 2000EnglishUSA
The Particular Sadness of Lemon CakeBender, AimeeFiction, Magical Realism 2010EnglishIstanbul 
A Manual for Cleaning WomenBerlin, LuciaFiction, Short Stories2015EnglishIstanbul
Zavalli IsaBeti, MongoFiction, Cameroonian Literature1985TurkishIstanbul
Everything and NothingBorges, Jorge LuisFiction1999EnglishIstanbul
FictionsBorges, Jorge LuisFiction, Short Stories1944EnglishIstanbul
Phone Calls From the DeadBrenner, WendyFiction, Short Stories, Magical Realism2001EnglishIstanbul
NadjaBreton, AndreFiction, Surrealism1928FrenchIstanbul
Milk FedBroder, MelissaFiction, Queer Lit2021EnglishIstanbul
Ham on RyeBukowski, CharlesFiction1982EnglishIstanbul
Parable of the SowerButler, Octavia Fiction, Science Fiction1993EnglishUSA
Tiepolo BlueCahill, JamesFiction2022EnglishIstanbul
If On A Winter’s Night, A Traveler Calvino, Italo Fiction1979EnglishIstanbul
CathedralCarver, RaymondFiction, Short Stories1983EnglishIstanbul
Confidences/MajorityCheng, IvanFiction2022EnglishIstanbul
Pieces Chbosky, StephenFiction2000EnglishUSA
Middle EnglandCoe, JonathanFiction, British Literature2018EnglishIstanbul
Hey ZoeyCrossman, SarahFiction2024EnglishUSA
KudosCusk, RachelFiction, British Literature2018EnglishIstanbul
Outline Cusk, RachelFiction, British Literature2014EnglishIstanbul
Saving AgnesCusk, RachelFiction, British Literature1993EnglishIstanbul
Second PlaceCusk, RachelFiction, British Literature2021EnglishIstanbul
Transit Cusk, RachelFiction, British Literature2016EnglishIstanbul
Modern LoveDeJong, ConstanceFiction1977EnglishIstanbul
The Cheater’s Guide to LoveDiaz, JunotFiction, Caribbean Literature2019EnglishIstanbul
BelliesDinan, NicolaFiction, Trans Lit, Queer Lit, British Lit2023EnglishUK
Exciting TimesDolan, NaoiseFiction, Irish Literature2020EnglishIstanbul
The Happy CoupleDolan, NaoiseFiction, Irish Lit2023EnglishIstanbul
Ducks, NewburyportEllmann, LucyFiction, British Lit2019EnglishIstanbul
The Death of Vivek OjiEmezi, AkwaekeFiction, Nigerian Literature2020EnglishIstanbul
TowelheadErian, AliciaFiction, Arab-American Lit2005EnglishIstanbul
Sweet HomeErskine, WendyFiction, Irish Lit2018EnglishIstanbul
PartiesFitzgerald, F ScottFiction, Classic Literature2020EnglishIstanbul
The AmusementsFlannery, AingealaFiction2022EnglishIstanbul
Show Them A Good TimeFlattery, NicoleFiction2019EnglishIstanbul
CrossroadsFranzen, JonathanFiction2021EnglishIstanbul
The CorrectionsFranzen, JonathanFiction2001EnglishIstanbul
FreedomFranzen, Jonathan Fiction2010EnglishUSA
PurityFranzen, JonathanFiction2015EnglishUK
Sophie’s WorldGaarder, JosteinFiction1991EnglishUSA
A Terrible CountryGessen, KeithFiction2018EnglishIstanbul
An Absolutely Remarkable ThingGreen, Hank Fiction, Science Fiction2018EnglishIstanbul
A Beautifully Foolish EndeavorGreen, HankFiction, Science Fiction2020EnglishIstanbul
LanguageGuo, XiaoluFiction, Chinese-British Literature2017EnglishIstanbul
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Haddon, Mark Fiction2003EnglishUSA
Winner Take NothingHemingway, ErnestFiction1933EnglishIstanbul
Short StoriesHughes, LangstonFiction1996EnglishIstanbul
Klara and the SunIshiguro, KazuoFiction2021EnglishIstanbul
The Buried GiantIshiguro, KazuoFiction2015EnglishIstanbul
Ralph’s PartyJewell, Lisa Fiction1999EnglishUSA
All Aunt Hagar’s ChildrenJones, Edward P Fiction2006EnglishUSA
DublinersJoyce, JamesFiction1914EnglishIstanbul
All FoursJuly, MirandaFiction2024EnglishUK
No One Belongs Here More Than YouJuly, MirandaFiction2007EnglishIstanbul
The Complete StoriesKafka, FranzFiction1971EnglishIstanbul
The Penal ColonyKafka, FranzFiction, Short Stories1919EnglishUSA
I Will Greet the Sun AgainKhabushani, KhashayarFiction2023EnglishUK
Orange HorsesKelly, MaeveFiction1990EnglishIstanbul
On the RoadKerouac, JackFiction1957EnglishUSA
Darkness At NoonKoestler, ArthurFiction, Historical Fiction1940EnglishIstanbul
Creation Lake Kushner, RachelFiction2024EnglishUK
The IncendiariesKwon, R.O.Fiction2018EnglishIstanbul
CrudoLaing, OliviaFiction2018EnglishIstanbul
The Topeka SchoolLerner, BenFiction2019EnglishIstanbul
The IHOP PapersLiebegott, AliFiction2006EnglishUSA
The Most Fun We Ever HadLombardo, ClareFiction2019EnglishIstanbul
Brave New GirlLuna, Louisa Fiction2001EnglishUSA
Her Body and Other PartiesMachado, Carmen MariaFiction2017EnglishIstanbul
One Hundred Years of SolitudeMarquez, Gabriel GarciaFiction1967EnglishIstanbul
An Object of BeautyMartin, SteveFiction2010EnglishUSA
The Emperor’s ChildrenMessud, ClaireFiction2006EnglishUSA
BelovedMorrison, ToniFiction,  Black American Literature1987EnglishUSA
Song of SolomonMorrison, ToniFiction,  Black American Literature1977EnglishUSA
SulaMorrison, ToniFiction,  Black American Literature1973EnglishIstanbul
The Bluest EyeMorrison, ToniFiction,  Black American Literature1970EnglishIstanbul
My Year of Rest and RelaxationMoshfegh, OttessaFiction2018EnglishIstanbul
Dear LifeMunro, AliceFiction2012EnglishIstanbul
Open SecretsMunro, AliceFiction1994EnglishUSA
The Moons of JupiterMunro, AliceFiction1982EnglishUSA
Men Without WomenMurakami, HarukiFiction2014EnglishIstanbul
A Fairly Honourable DefeatMurdoch, IrisFiction, Philosophy1970EnglishUSA
Henry and CatoMurdoch, IrisFiction, Philosophy1976EnglishUK
The Red and the GreenMurdoch, IrisFiction, Philosophy1965EnglishUSA
The Sacred and Profane Love Machine Murdoch, IrisFiction, Philosophy1974EnglishUSA
Under the NetMurdoch, IrisFiction, Philosophy1954EnglishUSA
Skippy DiesMurray, PaulFiction2010EnglishIstanbul 
A Good Man Is Hard to FindO’Connor, FlanneryFiction1953EnglishUSA
Everything That Rises Must ConvergeO’Connor, FlanneryFiction1965EnglishUSA
The Complete StoriesO’Connor, FlanneryFiction, Southern Gothic1971EnglishIstanbul
A Book of American MartyrsOates, Joyce CarolFiction2017EnglishIstanbul
1984Orwell, George Fiction1949EnglishUSA
Animal FarmOrwell, GeorgeFiction1945EnglishUSA
IstanbulPamuk, OrhanFiction, Turkish Literature2003EnglishIstanbul
The Museum of InnocencePamuk, OrhanFiction, Turkish Literature2008EnglishIstanbul
Detransition, BabyPeters, TorreyFiction, Queer Lit, Trans Lit2021EnglishIstanbul
The Bell JarPlath, SlyviaFiction1963EnglishIstanbul
KnockemstiffPollock, Donald RayFiction2008EnglishUK
Greta and ValdinReilly, Rebecca KFiction, New Zealand Literature, Queer Lit2021EnglishNashville
Even Cowgirls Get the BluesRobbins, TomFiction1976EnglishUSA
Beautiful World, Where Are YouRooney, SallyFiction, Irish Literature2021EnglishIstanbul
Conversations With FriendsRooney, SallyFiction, Irish Literature2017EnglishIstanbul
Mr SalaryRooney, SallyFiction, Irish Literature2019EnglishIstanbul
Normal PeopleRooney, SallyFiction, Irish Literature2018EnglishIstanbul
IntermezzoRooney, SallyFiction, Irish Literature2024EnglishUK
Portnoy’s ComplaintRoth, PhilipFiction1969EnglishIstanbul
You Know You Want ThisRoupenian, KristenFiction, Magical Realism2019EnglishIstanbul
My Dark VanessaRussell, Kate ElizabethFiction2020EnglishIstanbul
Franny and ZoeySalinger, JD FictionEnglishUSA
Raise High the Roof Beam Carpenters and SeymourSalinger, JDFictionEnglishUSA
Lake SuccessShteyngart, GaryFiction2018EnglishIstanbul
Coffee Will Make You BlackSinclair, April African American Lit1994EnglishUSA
You Think It, I’ll Say ItSittenfeld, CurtisFiction, Short Stories2018EnglishIstanbul
Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour BookstoreSloan, RobinFiction2012EnglishUSA
AutumnSmith, AliFiction2016EnglishUK
On BeautySmith, Zadie Fiction2005EnglishUSA
SorrowlandSolomon, RiversFiction, Science Fiction2021EnglishIstanbul
In AmericaSontag, SusanFiction1999EnglishIstanbul
Young MungoStuart, DouglasFiction, Scottish Literature2022EnglishIstanbul
Weird FucksTillman, LynneFiction1982EnglishIstanbul
The Books of JacobTokarczuk, OlgaFiction2014EnglishIstanbul
Everything Ravaged, Everything BurnedTower, WellsFiction2009EnglishIstanbul
CouplesUpdike, JohnFiction1968EnglishIstanbul
Rabbit RunUpdike, JohnFiction1960EnglishIstanbul
The Color PurpleWalker, AliceFiction, Black American Lit1982EnglishUSA
The Nickel BoysWhitehead, ColsonFiction2019EnglishIstanbul
The Portrait of Dorian GrayWilde, Oscar Fiction1890EnglishUSA
The Model Millionaire Wilde, Oscar Fiction1887EnglishUSA
Jenny and the Jaws of LifeWillett, JincyFiction1987EnglishIstanbul
In the Garden of the North American MartyrsWolff, TobiasFiction1981EnglishIstanbul
Jacob’s RoomWoolf, Virginia Fiction1922EnglishUK
Native SonWright, RichardFiction, Black American Lit1940EnglishUSA
A Little LifeYanagihara, HanyaFiction, Queer Lit2015EnglishIstanbul
Sour HeartZhang, Jenny Fiction2017EnglishIstanbul

Poetry & Plays

= notable
The Last Night of the Earth PoemsBukowski, CharlesPoetry1992EnglishIstanbul
Syzygy, BeautyFleischmann, TProse Poetry2011EnglishIstanbul
The Essential Allen GinsbergGinsberg, AllenPoetry2015EnglishIstanbul
Black SaltGlissant, ÉdouardPoetry1998EnglishIstanbul
La panthère et le fouetHughes, LangstonPoetry2021FrenchIstanbul
Mule BoneHughes, Langston + 
Hurston, Zora Neale

Hagar PoemsKahf, MohjaPoetry, Religion2016EnglishUK
Paradise Lost (William Blake illustrated version)Milton, JohnPoetry1667 / 1976EnglishUSA
A Season in HellRimbaud, ArthurPoetry1873English, FrenchIstanbul
Belly Songs Stinson, Susan Poetry1993EnglishUSA
The Odyssey Wilson, Emily (trans.)Poetry2018EnglishUSA

History, Politics, & Economics

= notable
Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of EmpireAkalaHistory, Race, Memoir 2018EnglishIstanbul
The Black RussianAlexandrov, VladimirEuropean History, Black History2013EnglishIstanbul
Arabs and Israelis: Conflict and Peacemaking in the Middle EastAly, Feldman, ShikakiMiddle East Politics and History2013/2022EnglishIstanbul
The Jews in Their LandBen-Gurion, DavidMiddle Eastern History1966EnglishUSA
Arab Rebirth, Pain and EcstasyBerque, JaquesMiddle East Politics and History1983EnglishIstanbul
A Brief History of SlaveryBlack, JeremyHistory, Black History2011EnglishIstanbul
Frederick Douglass: Prophet of FreedomBlight, DavidBlack History2018EnglishIstanbul
The Polymath: A Cultural History from Leonardo da Vinci to Susan SontagBurke, PeterHistory2020EnglishIstanbul
Modern Spain: 1875-1980Carr, RaymondEuropean History1980EnglishIstanbul
The Rise of Modern Europe: The Dawn of a New Era 1250-1453Cheyney, Edward P European History1962EnglishUSA
The Third ReichChilders, ThomasEuropean History2017EnglishIstanbul
Passage to America: A History of Emigrants from Great Britain and Ireland to America in the Mid-Nineteenth Century
Coleman, Terry

American History, European History




The Troubles: Ireland's Ordeal, 1966-1996, and the Search For PeaceCoogan, Tim PatEuropean History1996EnglishIstanbul
Reclaiming the Black PastDagbovie, Pero GagloBlack History2018EnglishIstanbul
The OttomansDarke, DianaMiddle East History2022EnglishIstanbul
If They Come In the MorningDavis, AngelaUS Politics, Black History1971EnglishIstanbul
Caesar and Christ Durant, WillEuropean History, Religious History1944EnglishUK
The Lessons of HistoryDurant, Will + ArielWorld History 1968EnglishUSA
Queens and Prophets: How Arabian Noblewomen and Holy Men Shaped Paganism, Christianity and IslamEl-Badawi, Emran IqbalMiddle Eastern History2022EnglishUK
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the WorldFerguson, NiallEconomic History 2008EnglishIstanbul
A People’s Tragedy: The Russian Revolution 1891-1924Figes, OrlandoRussian History 1996EnglishUK
Moorish SpainFletcher, RichardEuropean History1992EnglishUK
Born In Blackness: Africa, Africans, and the Making of the Modern World, 1471 to the Second World WarFrench, HowardBlack History2021EnglishIstanbul
Unequal Conflict: Palestinians and IsraelGee, John RMiddle East History1998EnglishUK
Black Wave: Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Forty-Year Rivalry that Unraveled Culture, Religion, and Collective Memory in the Middle EastGhattas, KimMiddle East History2020EnglishIstanbul
America and Iran, A History: 1720 to the PresentGhazvinian, JohnMiddle East History, American History2020EnglishIstanbul
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: It’s History in Maps (3rd Edition)Gilbert, MartinMiddle East History1979EnglishIstanbul
The Tropics of Empire: Why Columbus Sailed South to the IndiesGómez, Nicolás WeyEuropean History, Colonial History 2008EnglishUK
Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became ShakespeareGreenblatt, StephenLiterary History 2004EnglishUK
Defining Neighbors: Religion, Race, and the Early Zionist-Arab EncounteGribetz, Jonathan MarcMiddle East History2014EnglishIstanbul
Hamilton, Alastair - The Appeal of Fascism Hamilton, Alastair European History1971EnglishUSA
Notes on a Foreign Country: 
An American Abroad in a Post-American World
Hansen, SuzyMiddle East History, American History2017EnglishIstanbul

The Shortest History of EnglandHawes, JamesEuropean History2020EnglishIstanbul
The Histories (translation: Robin Waterfield) HerodotusHistory2008EnglishUSA
The World America MadeKagan, RobertAmerican History, Global History2012EnglishIstanbul
Islam After Communism: Religion and Politics in Central AsiaKhalid, AdeebMiddle East History, Asian History2006EnglishIstanbul
No Is Not EnoughKlein, NaomiUS Politics2017EnglishIstanbul
These Truths: A History of the United StatesLepore, JillUS History2018EnglishIstanbul
The End of Tsarist Russia: The March to World War I and RevolutionLieven, DominicRussian History2016EnglishIstanbul
Sunnis and Shi’a: A Political HistoryLouër, LaurenceMiddle East History2020EnglishIstanbul
Marxism and ModernismLunn, Eugene Political History1982EnglishUK
The Retreat of Western LiberalismLuce, EdwardPolitical History2017EnglishIstanbul
The Makers of the Modern Middle EastMango, AndrewMiddle East History2011EnglishIstanbul
Prisoners of Geography Marshall, TimGlobal History2015EnglishIstanbul
The AfricansMazrui, AliAfrican History1986EnglishIstanbul
God's Shadow: 
Sultan Selim, His Ottoman Empire, and the Making of the Modern World
Mikhail, AlanMiddle East History2020EnglishIstanbul

The Meeting of East and WestNorthrop, FSC1979EnglishUSA
The Battle for the Arab Spring: 
Revolution, Counter-Revolution and the Making of a New Era
Noueihed, Lin &
Warren, Alex
Middle East History2012EnglishIstanbul

The IrishO’Faolain, SeanEuropean History1949EnglishIstanbul
The Scramble for AfricaPakenham, ThomasAfrican History1990EnglishIstanbul
Capital and IdeologyPiketty, ThomasEconomic History 2019EnglishIstanbul
Voyages of Discovery: Three Centuries of Natural History ExplorationRice, TonyNatural History 2002EnglishUK
The Arabs: A HistoryRogan, EugeneMiddle East History2009EnglishIstanbul
FactfulnessRosling, HansGlobal Politics & Economics2018EnglishIstanbul
OrientalismSaid, EdwardGlobal History1978EnglishIstanbul
Children of Paradise: The Struggle for the Soul of IranSecor, LauraMiddle East History2016EnglishIstanbul
The Vinland Map and the Tatar Relation Skelton, R.A. + Marston, Thomas + Painter, George O Geographic History 1966EnglishUSA
The Wealth of NationsSmith, Adam Economics1776EnglishUSA
Modern EmpiresSmith, BonnieGlobal History2018EnglishIstanbul
Virgin Land: The American West as Symbol and MythSmith, Henry NashAmerican History1974EnglishUSA
The Gulag ArchipelagoSolzhenitsyn, AleksandrRussian History 1973EnglishIstanbul
Magisteria: The Entangled Histories of Science and ReligionSpencer, NicholasReligious History, Science History 2023EnglishUK
GlobalizationSteger, ManfredGlobal Politics2003EnglishIstanbul
Turkey: A Short History Stone, NormanMiddle East History2010EnglishIstanbul
The Armenians in Modern TurkeySuciyan, TalinMiddle East History2015EnglishIstanbul
As If Silent and Absent: Bonds of Enslavement in the Islamic Middle EastToledano, Ehud R. Middle East History2007EnglishIstanbul
The Journey to the Mayflower: 
God's Outlaws & The Invention of Freedom
Tomkins, StephenAmerican History, Religious History2020EnglishIstanbul

A History Of Islam In West AfricaTrimingham, J.SpencerAfrican History, Islamic History1970EnglishUK
Bible and Sword: England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to BalfourTuchman, BarbaraBritish History, Religious History 1956EnglishUK
International Relations TheoryViotti, PaulGlobal Politics1987EnglishIstanbul
The Eighteenth Century Background: Studies on the Idea of Nature in the Thought of the PeriodWilley, Basil 1940EnglishUSA
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents Wilkerson, IsabelRacial History & Politics2020EnglishNashville
Turkey and AmericaWilliams, Henry P Middle East History, American History2019EnglishIstanbul
Jihad and Dawah: 
Evolving Narratives of Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jamat ud Dawa
Yasmeen, Samina Middle East History2017EnglishUK

Turkey, A Modern History Zürcher, Erik-Jan Middle East History1993EnglishIstanbul

History of the United States Vol IAmerican HistoryEnglishIstanbul
History of the United States Vol IIAmerican HistoryEnglishIstanbul
History of the United States Vol IIIAmerican HistoryEnglishIstanbul
History of the United States Vol IVAmerican HistoryEnglishIstanbul
History of the United States Vol VAmerican HistoryEnglishIstanbul
History of the United States Vol VIAmerican HistoryEnglishIstanbul

Science & Anthropology

= notable
The Mexican National Museum of AnthropologyBernal, Ignacio Anthropology1972EnglishIstanbul
A History of MathematicsBoyer, CarlMathematics1991EnglishUSA

The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern ScienceBurtt, EA 

The Origins of Modern ScienceButterfield, HerbertScience History 1949EnglishUSA
Euclid and His Modern RivalsCarroll, Lewis Mathematics1879EnglishUSA
A Picture History of Archeology Ceram, C.W.Arcehology1958EnglishIstanbul
Dictionary of Science
Chapman, Dennis Raymon + Issacs, Alan, Uvarov, Eugene BorisScience1971EnglishIstanbul

Relativity for the LaymanColeman, James A.Science1954EnglishUSA
Descartes’ Dream: The World According to Mathematics Davis, Philip + Hersh, Ruben1988EnglishUSA
The Magic of Reality: How We Know What’s Really TrueDawkins, RichardScience2011EnglishUSA
Unweaving the RainbowDawkins, Richard Science1998EnglishUSA
Kinds of Minds Dennet, Daniel CPhilosophy of Science1996EnglishUSA
Discoveries and Opinions of GalileoDrake, Stillman Science1957EnglishUSA
The Encyclopedia of IgnoranceDuncan, RonaldScience1977EnglishUSA
Chaos: Making A New ScienceGleick, JamesScience 1987EnglishUSA
The Dawn of Everything Graeber, David + Wengrow, DavidGlobal Anthropology2021EnglishIstanbul
The Frontiers of Knowledge: 
What We Know About Science, History and The Mind 
Grayling, ACScience History2021EnglishIstanbul

The Elegant UniverseGreene, BrianPhysics1999EnglishIstanbul
The Fabric of the CosmosGreene, BrianPhysics2003EnglishIstanbul
The Universe in a NutshellHawking, StephenPhysics, Astronomy2001EnglishUSA
The Structure of Scientific RevolutionsKuhn, ThomasScience History 1962EnglishIstanbul
The ABC of RelativityRussell, BertrandScience1925EnglishUSA
The Physical Foundations of General Relativity 
Sciama, DWScience1969EnglishUSA

Big BangSingh, SimonScience History 2004EnglishIstanbul


= notable

HungryGordinier, JeffFood Culture2019EnglishIstanbul
High on the HogHarris, JessicaFood History 2011EnglishIstanbul
Small FiresJohnson, Rebecca MayFood Culture2023EnglishIstanbul
Salt: A World HistoryKurlansky, MarkFood History 2002EnglishUK
A House With A Date Palm Will Never StarveRakowitz, Michael Food History, Cookbook2019EnglishIstanbul
Cooking For Artists Stone, MinaCookbook2015EnglishIstanbul
The Jemima Code: Two Centuries of African-American CookbooksTipton-MartinFood History, Cookbook2015EnglishIstanbul
La Cuisine FrenchIstanbul
Soul FoodCallahan, Ed; Harwood, Jim; CCookbook1969EnglishIstanbul
The Black Family Reunion Cookbook: 
Recipes and Food Memories From the National Council of Negro Women

Charleston Recipes

Fashion & Design

= notable
Fashion As CommunicationBarnard, MalcolmFashionIstanbul
Fashion. The Momu Collection - AntwerpDebo, KaatFashionIstanbul
The Women’s Collections 1989-2009Margiela, MartinFashionIstanbul
Pleats PleaseMiyake, IsseyFashionIstanbul
Pattern MagicNakamichi, TomokoIstanbul
What Artists WearPorter, CharlieFashion HistoryIstanbul
UndercoverTakahashi, JunIstanbul
Ende NeuVandervorst, A.F.FashionUK
Everythings For RealWales Bonner, GraceIstanbul

Specialty / Periodicals / Zines / Print Ephemera 

= notable
The Races of Mankind
Benedict, Ruth + Weltfish, Gene1943EnglishIstanbul

Sort Paa Hvidt
Cohen, Octavus RoyRace1947DanishIstanbul

Sagesse et Malices de La Perse
Ibrahim-Ouali, LilaPoetry2001/2017FrenchIstanbul

Buddha Was Born HereBozalp, Olgaç Photography 2022EnglishIstanbul
Ireland, 1972-73Luskačová, MarkétaPhotography 2021EnglishIstanbul
Wiedel, JaninePhotography 

The Testament Sculptures